About Paula

behind the scenes at Paula Sylvester's NetSenseOnline

Her story

About Paula

I’ve been on the Internet since the very beginning, building websites, writing content and courses for businesses and individuals. Additionally, I also enjoy helping people  who are thinking about getting into the industry or, businesses with being self contained. My main reason remaining in this industry is one: To help or prevent people from getting ripped off and giving them alternatives and the truth when it pertains to having a website. Sadly, I’ve met MANY people who were bamboozled. Some, I’ve even managed to get their money back in full. And just so you know: the amounts they were “charged” were not just a few hundred dollars – it was in the thousands!  This angered me greatly and continues to do so today because; these innocent clients lacked the technical/mechanical knowledge and trusted the information from the expert to be “true”. Now, you may be thinking: “They could have researched it.” Yes, they could have. But let me ask you a question: When you go to your doctor for an issue, you put your trust in him because he is the expert. Strange as this may sound …ripping people off continues this very day. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to prevent it. All you need to do is call.